Policy Analysis

Considerations in a Comprehensive Approach to Canadian Climate Policy

This commentary outlines the key elements of an effective policy in the implementation of the pan-Canadian Framework.

By Amin Asadollahi on December 9, 2016

Over the past year, federal, provincial and territorial governments have been working together to hammer out the pan-Canadian Framework on Climate Change and Clean Growth.

Nothing is more Canadian than a collaborative approach to finding solutions to a common problem. After all, climate change will affect the entire country, and we are all in this together. If we are to meet our 2030 international climate commitments, a national framework should: recognize provincial action to date; glue together the current patchwork of policies to form a more cohesive approach; and, most importantly, raise ambition through robust set of policies and program solutions. An agreement on the pan-Canadian Framework will still require a great deal of work on policy design and implementation, which is expected to be completed over the coming years.

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