We can’t make progress on sustainable development if we don’t understand it. Research papers and textbooks don’t always speak in plain language, which makes it hard to learn about the nuances of environmental negotiations or get clarity on what counts as a fossil fuel subsidy. IISD experts are here to help with accessible explainers on tricky topics.

What Drives Investment Policy-makers in Developing Countries to Use Tax Incentives?
The article explores the reasons behind the use of tax incentives in developing countries to attract investment, examining the pressures, challenges, and alternative strategies that exist.

What Is the NAP Assessment at COP 29, and Why Does It Matter?
At the 29th UN Climate Change Conference (COP 29) in Baku, countries will assess their progress in formulating and implementing their National Adaptation Plans. IISD’s adaptation experts Orville Grey and Jeffrey Qi explain what that means, and what’s at stake.

How to Track Adaptation Progress: Key questions for the UAE-Belém work programme at COP 29
UAE-Belem work program at COP 29: Emilie Beauchamp explains the complexity behind these talks and unpacks seven key questions that negotiating countries should address along the way.