IISD publishes objective, independent, high-quality research—this includes reports, briefs, guides, and other materials covering sustainable development themes.
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Showing 981-990 of 2425 results
Smart-Sourced Fuel Products
Many different types of “waste” or under-used plant materials can be turned into value-added bioenergy fuel products. This brochure, available in both English and French, focuses on such materials available in Manitoba, Canada, including agricultural residues, forestry residues, grassland plants and wetland plants.
Manitoba Prairie Lakes: In-lake remediation treatment summary
This is a summary of a comprehensive research study (Manitoba Prairie Lakes: Eutrophication and In-Lake Remediation Treatments Literature Review) in which IISD examines in-lake remediation treatments.
Investment Treaty News Quarterly (ITN), Volume 7, Issue 2, May 2016
Investment Treaty News (ITN), published by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), is a quarterly journal on international investment law and policy and sustainable development.
Financing Development With Fossil Fuel Subsidies: The reallocation of Indonesia's gasoline and diesel subsidies in 2015
This report investigates how fuel subsidy reform and reallocation in Indonesia have been a major step forward in improving public expenditure.
Supporting Energy Pricing Reform and Carbon Pricing Policies Through Crediting
This study examines the role that policy crediting might play in increasing the mitigation impact of energy pricing reform and carbon pricing policies.
Roadmap for China: Using Green Securitisation, Tax Incentives and Credit Enhancements to Scale Green Bonds
This paper provides specific actions for China’s policymakers to put in place instruments and incentives for green bonds, with a particular focus on how to grow a green securitisation market in China that can access international capital. Specific actions for China draw on domestic and international experience.
Making Subsidy Reform Work for Women in Nigeria
Kerosene subsidies in Nigeria are inefficient and wasteful—but will kerosene subsidy reform disproportionately affect women, due its primary use as a household lighting and cooking fuel? This policy brief explores principles for making subsidy reform work for women in Nigeria.
State of Sustainability Initiatives Review: Standards and the Blue Economy
This report examines market and performance trends of the nine most prevalent seafood certification schemes, including the Marine Stewardship Council, GLOBAL G.A.P. and Friend of the Sea.
sNAPshot: Philippines's Approach to Initiating Sector Integration of Adaptation Considerations
This sNAPshot looks at how the Philippines initiated sectoral integration of climate change adaptation considerations, and how this compares with approaches that other countries are