Street food market in Ghana

Supporting Investors and Agribusinesses to Invest Responsibly in Food and Agriculture

Evidence and tools to help investors and agribusinesses apply principles for responsible investment in agriculture and food systems.

Agribusinesses’ investment in the agriculture and food sectors can play a transformative role in driving innovation and building more inclusive value chains to improve food security and living standards in developing countries. This makes agribusinesses—including crop producers, processors, and traders—critical players in achieving the goals of the Committee on World Food Security’s Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (CFS-RAI). 

Translating the CFS-RAI into practical action by agribusinesses requires guidance and tools for stakeholders—such as financial investors and the agribusinesses in which they invest—who wish to incorporate them into policies, regulations, and business practices.  

IISD has partnered with various organizations to provide the private sector with detailed, context-specific evidence on good business practices for responsible investment and business conduct that supports farmers, rural communities, local businesses, and other stakeholders, as well as effective tools to enable them to do so.
