UNFCCC SB 44 Side Event: Financing Adaptation and Resilience through Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform and Fuel Duty
This side event explored options for increasing domestic resources for adaptation by using savings from fossil fuel subsidy reform and revenues from fuel duties.
The event focused on examples from developing and emerging economies, and built on results of activities by the Friends of Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform and the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network. Speakers explored questions including:
What types of fossil fuel subsidy reforms and fuel duties have developing and emerging economies used, and with what results or challenges?
To date, how are countries using savings from subsidy reform or revenues from taxation? Have any of these funds been directed towards adaptation needs?
What are opportunities and challenges for fossil fuel subsidy reform or fuel taxes to contribute to adaptation finance moving forward?
Chair: Ambassador Mark Sinclair, New Zealand, Member of the Friends of Fossil Fuel
Subsidy Reform
The panel discussion featured:
Anne Hammill, Director of Resilience, IISD & NAP Global Network
Andrea Meza, Directora, Dirección Cambio Climático, Costa Rica
Laura Merrill, Senior Researcher and GSI Operations Manager, IISD
For more details, please contact: info@napglobalnetwork.org. Click here for commentary on the meeting by the IISD Global Subsidies Initiative.
This event was cohosted by:
International Institute for Sustainable Development | Global Subsidies Initiative | National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network | Friends of Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform
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