Supercharging Grid Battery Deployment in South Africa
Energy storage is a key part of future energy systems, and grid batteries have been improving in terms of capabilities and cost with rapid technological development.
This webinar provides an exclusive first look at new research on grid-located batteries in South Africa and examines how to maximize benefits, minimize environmental and safety risks, and solve challenges to deployment.
A diverse panel, including representatives from Eskom, municipal government, project development, and finance and research institutions, provides an in-depth discussion on the challenges and opportunities for South Africa.
The research, conducted by the International Institute for Sustainable Development, included interviews with over 70 stakeholders covering a wide range of experience and knowledge on grid-battery topics and the energy landscape in South Africa.
Welcome and Housekeeping
Opening Remarks
Report Presentation: Watts in Store, Part 2
Richard Halsey, Policy Advisor, International Institute for Sustainable Development
Panel Discussion
Swasti Raizada, Policy Advisor, International Institute for Sustainable Development
Mari-Louise van der Walt, Principal Consultant, Alakriti Consulting
Monde Soni, Chief Engineer, Network Planning, Eskom
Sherwin Harris, Engie
Vincenzia Leitich, Executive Energy and Infrastructure, Standard Bank
Bashkaran Vandeyar, Head of Green Energy, City of Cape Town
Closing Remarks
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Building Bridges: The State of Nature-Based Investments
Join us for a panel at the Building Bridges conference in Geneva, Switzerland, to discuss the state-of-play of nature-based investments and the potential opportunities they present.
Stakeholder Consultation of the East African Organic Products Standard
This online event will bring together key stakeholders to review new standards, discuss regulatory requirements, and identify updates for relevant policies.
COP 29 | From Toolkit to Reality: Designing MEL systems to inform the UAE Framework for Global Climate Resilience
This COP 29 side event aims to increase the knowledge and capacity of national governments, as well as actors supporting them, in developing and strengthening monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) systems for NAP processes.
A Municipal Perspective on the Value of Natural Infrastructure
This webinar will showcase examples the cost-effectiveness of natural infrastructure from a municipal perspective. Focusing on what municipalities need—what evidence and numbers they rely on, and what tools and planning processes are required to ensure that natural infrastructure is assessed alongside traditional infrastructure for cost-effectiveness.