The Role of Legal Frameworks in Attracting High Quality and Sustainable Investment
The Parliament of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and IISD, together with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), are organising a two-day training for governments officials and parliamentarians from the ECOWAS region.
The Parliament of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and IISD, together with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), are organising a two-day training for governments officials and parliamentarians from the ECOWAS region.
The meeting will focus on the importance of strengthening and enhancing investment negotiating capacity and how to use and implement legal and policy tools to promote sustainable and responsible investment in agriculture within the ECOWAS region.
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Building Bridges: The State of Nature-Based Investments
Join us for a panel at the Building Bridges conference in Geneva, Switzerland, to discuss the state-of-play of nature-based investments and the potential opportunities they present.
Stakeholder Consultation of the East African Organic Products Standard
This online event will bring together key stakeholders to review new standards, discuss regulatory requirements, and identify updates for relevant policies.
Through Her Lens: Women leading change in sustainable agriculture and market inclusion
Despite the critical role that women play in agricultural production, they still do not have equal access to global agricultural supply chains on terms that benefit them.
A Municipal Perspective on the Value of Natural Infrastructure
This webinar will showcase examples the cost-effectiveness of natural infrastructure from a municipal perspective. Focusing on what municipalities need—what evidence and numbers they rely on, and what tools and planning processes are required to ensure that natural infrastructure is assessed alongside traditional infrastructure for cost-effectiveness.