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Showing 361-370 of 657 results

Looking Back on the “Caterpillar COP”

Was COP 23 really the 'Caterpillar COP'? Phil Gass and Frédéric Gagnon-Lebrun take look back, and remind us that caterpillars are ultimately destined to emerge as butterflies...
Insight December 5, 2017

Exploring What Oil Spills Do to Fresh Water

You may be surprised to learn that we actually know very little about what happens to fresh water systems when an oil spill occurs. That’s why IISD Experimental Lakes Area is planning a large project to answer those very questions.
Insight December 1, 2017

Digging up the Dirt on Conflict Minerals Worldwide

A series of recent reports has revealed a new complexity to the familiar topic of the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s “conflict minerals.” Clare Church explores how the trade now not only proliferates outsides of the mobile phone industry, but also outside of the country itself.
Insight November 30, 2017