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Showing 301-310 of 657 results

Trade Wars Turning Into Investment Wars

While the U.S.–China trade war rages on and captures headlines, a U.S.–China investment war is emerging. Will sustainable development be the ultimate loser?
Insight November 1, 2018

Five Ways Blockchain Technology Can be Used for Resilience

Nine in 10 governments are investing in blockchain technology this year. They are joining organizations like the United Nations and entire industries from healthcare to finance that see it as a major opportunity for innovation and economic development. Though it is best known for being used to track bitcoin, its use is promising beyond cryptocurrencies, including in contracts, certifications, land titles, medical records, personal data and more
Insight October 29, 2018

USMCA Curbs How Much Investors Can Sue Countries—Sort of

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) put the famous investor–state dispute settlement mechanism on the map. Now its rebirth as the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA) is taking it off again—at least between the United States and Canada.
Insight October 2, 2018